All users that log in to this web site have a set of permissions assigned to them based on how they will be using the system. If you are unable to perform an action, that action will not be available to you. Anything you see as a link or button, is something you are allowed to do.
If you feel you do not have the permission to perform a function you need to do, please contact the League at (515) 244-7282.
All the data that this system deals with can be in either a "draft" form or a "published" form.
If something is a draft, then it is visible only to people in this management application, not on any publicly-visible system. If something is published, it may be visible to candidates, or listed in other public locations (unless it is explicitly stated to never be visible to candidates).
This distinction allows vendors and committees to collaborate on something (for example: a course) across several drafts, before coming to a consensus and publishing something to be visible outside of this management system.
Version numbers (see below) for drafts are incremented by 0.001 every time a new draft is created. When a new published version is created, its version number is the next whole number (ex: 2.000, 3.000). So for example, if a new course is created as a draft by a vendor, then published by a curriculum committee member, and later edited through two more drafts and published again, it would have version numbers of 0.001, 1.000, 1.001, 1.002, and 2.000, respectively.
Not everyone will have access to this - if you do not see links to View Version History then you are not permitted.
Every piece of data collected retains all of its data over time. If it is changed, such as a new draft being created, the old data is kept for historical and auditing purposes, and the new data is used in its place.
If the need arises, this version history can be used to determine who changed something, when it was changed, how it looked before the changes, and how it looked after the changes. In this way, a sense of accountability and auditability exists throughout the system.
In this system, there is no way to delete anything once it has been created. This is intentional so as to keep historical records at all times, for auditing purposes. Thus, if you wish to remove something, you may Disable it. Doing so means different things depending on the type of data. See below for the specifics for each data type.
Certification - if a certification is disabled, it may no longer be granted to anyone; however Candidates who received it in the past retain it. The certification will no longer show up on public web sites as being something attainable. It may be un-disabled in the future, should it come back into existence.
Track - if a track is disabled, courses may no longer count for hours of credit in that track. All former courses created retain the hours they counted for. The track will also no longer show up on public web sites. The track may be un-disabled later if it comes back into existence.
Vendor - if a vendor is disabled, no new course offered by that vendor may be created. They will no longer show up on public web sites as a course vendor and can no longer upload attendance records for courses they have previously held. The vendor may be un-disabled at a later date.
Course - if a course is disabled, candidates cannot have an attendance record created for the course. The course will no longer show up in the course catalog or on any public web sites. It may be un-disabled later, should the course come back into existence.
Candidate - Candidates that are disabled may not have any attendance records created for courses, nor may they be granted a new certification. If they have historical data, they will still be able to log into public web sites to view courses they've completed, certifications earned, and other information about themselves - but may not acquire anything new.
Attendance - if an attendance record is disabled, that is the same as revoking that course attendance. It will not show up as a completed course for that candidate, it will not add hours to tracks, and it will be as if the candidate never took it. It may also be un-disabled.
Granted Certification - Disabling a granted certification is the same as revoking the certification. It will not show up on a list of achievements for the candidate, they will no longer be able to print any statement of certification, and it is as if they never had the certification. It may be un-disabled at some later point if the decision to revoke is overturned.