Due to the rarity of this, the creation of new certifications is limited to system administrators. At the time of this writing, this includes only a few members of League staff.
Due to the rarity of this, the editing of certifications is limited to system administrators. At the time of this writing, this includes only a few members of League staff.
To view all the information associated with a certification, click on the details link next to it. In this view, you can see all the data stored about this certification, and based on your permissions you may see additional options such as the ability to view a version history, or publish a draft.
In the details page for a certification, you can also get a list of all the Candidates that have been granted this certification. The bottom of the page indicates the number of Candidates that have this certification and you may optionally click a link to view the entire list.
To grant a certification to a candidate, it is assumed that outside of this system, their packet of information has been recieved and reviewed by the committee. The system does not track this. Once the candidate has been approved, go to the main Certifications page, and click Grant Certification to Candidate. From there, select the candidate, and the appropriate certification, and click Save.