Click the link to enter attendances. Select the candidate you wish to record a course attendance for, select the course which they attended, fill in the requested information and hit Save.
If you are a vendor, you will only be able to select courses from vendors you are associated with.
If you are on the certification committee, you will only be able to select courses that have the "Certification Committee Able To Enter Attendees" option checked.
Click the link to enter bulk attendances. There is an Excel template you can download. In the template, fill in your Vendor ID, the Course ID of the course that was offered (remember that this differs per site, if you're running a workshop several times - be sure to change it for each list submitted), and fill in the list of candidates (complete with Candidate ID and test status, if a test was given).
Once the Excel sheet is filled out, upload it. If any errors occur while processing the spreadsheet, you will be notified and none of the data will be stored. Either all of the data is submitted, or none, to ensure consistency of records.